Held at Rise Penthouse Brickell City Centre with exquisite food by Aromas Del Peru and fabulous Wine by Bodvar Rose Production @Press_Pop_Miami
Nicole Esteves, HL Beauty Editor Dress @benditoclosetstyle Martin Elortegui, Karen Elmir, Gaby Sanchez, Juan Parlade Alicia Cervera and Karen Elmir Santiago Garza and Maky Soler Stylish Denise del Pino, @Benditoclosetstyle and spouse Federico Diaz and Guests Aromas del Peru made outstanding creations exclusively for @HL_Mag Nancy Esteves, Justin Bush and Karen Elmir Federico Diaz and Manny Machado Palm House Reality TV Actresses, Gisela Iribas, Lulu, Fernanda Sosa y la modelo Angie Karen Elmir and Gaby Sanchez Glen Asher left Palm House reality show girls with HL Editor Natalia Sokur right