Glowing Skin Tips for Winter, By: Jenny Patrizia

Whether you will be spending time this winter in Sunny Florida or in snow covered New York City, one thing will be certain, the cold, dry weather this time of year is havoc for your skin and face. But don’t worry I have just the solution for your skin! Surprisingly the beauty secret I have to share with you is not found in expensive skin products or beauty spas but instead the solution is found within your very own fridge! Cold, harsh winter weather can take a toll on our skin. Fortunately for us there are skin-nourishing foods that will keep your skin healthy and glowing all season long.


Avocados are good for your skin. Avocados contain high levels of vitamin E, a key nutrient in maintaining healthy skin. In addition to eating avocado, a face mask made from mashed avocado is also an effective way to achieve a glowing complexion.
Olive Oil

The vitamin E in olive oil can repair damaged skin, and it’s also packed with antioxidants that promote your skin’s natural production of collagen.


Like carrots, cantaloupes are rich in carotenoids, which can give your skin a tan-like effect known as the carotenoid glow.


One of the easiest ways to achieve a glowing, healthy complexion during the winter is simply to stay hydrated.


Carrots are loaded with vitamin C, which helps your body produce collagen, a protein that’s vital to maintain your skin’s elasticity and can prevent wrinkles and uneven skin tone.

Green Tea

Not only is green tea loaded with skin-nourishing antioxidants, it also has anti-inflammatory properties that can heal damaged skin and prevent blemishes.

Other tips that can help reduce chapping, redness, and keep skin more healthy and comfortable this season, try these tips.

• Wash in Lukewarm Water

• Moisturize Immediately Afterward

• Use Overnight Moisturize

• Exfoliate on a regular basis

Like always for more information you can email me at [email protected] or watch our weekly TV doctor’s health show… ¡ Salud!

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