I am wagging my tail getting ready to set sail. My cousin Chloe is so lucky she gets to go boating all the time. I just love breathing the ocean spray. Notice how Chloe is wearing a life vest. One thing I am afraid of is when the water is choppy I don’t want to be doing the doggie paddle without wearing my life vest.
My Mom took me to the store with her to make sure I had the right type and size life vest. We bought the one with handles so that if I fall overboard she can grab me with. Lifejackets may deteriorate so my Mom checks it periodically to make sure I stay afloat. She bought me one that also holds up my snout. Don’t ever pull your pet up by the collar. Not all dogs’ body types are meant for swimming.
She also bought me a no spill dog bowl that’s just pawsome. That way I don’t have to get sea sick trying to eat. It’s good to get a doggie ladder as well. Many people
take the time to train their cats and dogs to prepare them for boating or living on a boat. One guy trained his cat to grab a rope off the side and climb on it should the cat fall.
Cat’s balance themselves pretty well however Mother Nature’s storms are pretty unpredictable. Let’s not talk about being sea sick. The motion on the ocean makes me feel queasy sometimes. Your Vet has medication for that just like for people. We keep a first aid kit along with my medications on board too. I am old you know.
My Mom doesn’t fish but when people do we make sure the bait bucket is not left open or fish hooks dangling. Chloe and I know better but not all dogs are boat savvy. I’d hate to have a fish hook go through my snout. It happened to one of my Mom’s cats a long time ago. Ouch! We would never go near fish lying on the dock either.

Check out to make it easier for your pet to enter and exit your boat. We also have a bean bag and doggie beds so I may rest my weary bones. Fiberglass and wood decks are not the best for my pawsies.
Check your local pet boating laws and if you’re planning to go out of the country check international water laws. It’s very wise to create a website or blog for your pet and
put the website address on your pets tags in case your pet gets lost. This way whomever finds your pet will be able to communicate with you via your pet’s website.
Last but not least make sure your pets are hydrated and don’t make them hold in their body fluids. We pee in the water too just like you. Wag Wag….


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