Thoughtful Furniture

I’m very passionate about bringing awareness to the cruel treatment of animals. I’m

continually thinking about how I can help and also educate others about the horror

stories of breeding farms for furs, the slaughterhouses and dairy farms. I was

completely ignorant of the inhumane pain and suffering that animals endure during

their horrible life in order for my clients and myself to sit on a leather sofa made

from the skin of a cow. I had no idea of the brutality, torture and often death that a

beautiful lamb suffers while being sheared for the wool of an area rug. The stories

are endless and disgraceful. Interior design doesn’t have to harm or endanger the

beautiful animals that inhabit our world.

I’m now doing my best to incorporate materials and furnishings that do not use any

animal parts such as leather, wool, fur or any other animal skins. It’s been an

interesting journey so far and not as challenging as I believed it would be. For

example, a linen or cotton pillowcase with a down alternative insert can be found in

almost every major retail store such as Restoration Hardware, Crate and Barrel,

Pottery Barn and Target. There are endless options and vegan fabrics are much

CHEAPER than silks and wools. It’s a win-win all around.

Here’s a list of a few materials that are “vegan,” meaning they are manufactured free

of any animal parts and a few images of Vegan DiMare Design projects;


-microfiber (used a lot on durable sofas, great for families)





-down alternatives (healthier in every way, especially for those who suffer with


It’s simply about making the decision to help the earth and our animals. As Gandhi

said “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” I

look forward to your thoughts, questions and ideas.

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