Miami: Living a new cultural renaissance

The national and international psyche is fascinated with Miami.

Our diversity and differences are shaping us into a sophisticated city like never seen before!

Miami is known for being the cruise capital of the world and top tourist destination for fun-in-the-

sun vacation. We are now moving towards being ranked as a preferable city to work and one of

“America’s easiest places to live” – according to The New York Times.

Also Miami was named the 7th best “city of the future” for foreign investment. There is no doubt

that Miami is living a new cultural renaissance worth seeing, reflected through its developing real

estate infrastructure.

Miami is ranked as one of the 20 best skylines in the country for its overall aesthetics, with

recognizable buildings and natural beauty that surrounds us. The hospitality sector is recognizing a

glamorous and sustainable way of living which is a cross section of subtropical and cool.

Come check the city out!

Start out at South Pointe and walk your way up the Atlantic Ocean taking a peak into the award

winning interior designs of our newest hotels. Rest assure that you will smile while in Miami,

enjoying its pristine beaches, nightlife, food vibe, or just strolling and admiring it’s flourishing


It’s a moment worth living. Enjoy!

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